Saturday 5th March 2016

Spring struggling to get going. A few migrants on the move including moving south 9 Carrion Crow, 2 Jackdaw & 2 Siskin plus northbound 2 Mipit & 1 Siskin. Offshore a handful of Red-throated Diver & Brent on the move in very low numbers. 2 Shelduck were the first ones on site this year as they start contemplating prospecting potential nesting sites. 2 Fieldfare present with a single Long-tailed Tit paying us a brief visit. A Curlew on the beach first thing could well have been the long legged wader being plucked on a lighting tower by Mr Peregrine shortly afterwards.

3 birds ringed: 1 pied wagtail, 1 long-tailed tit, 1 great tit