April Ringing Totals

A grand total of 298 birds ringed in April consisting of 39 species. Slightly down on last years grand total for April but considering the cold, wet and windy weather throughout the latter half of the month, a decent haul overall.

Blackcap  82 Greenfinch  2
Chiffchaff 60 Pied Wagtail  2
Willow Warbler  26 Common Whitethroat  2
Goldcrest  15 Whinchat  2
Linnet  15 Kingfisher  1
Firecrest  14 Magpie  1
Wheatear  13 Sparrowhawk  1
Wren  7 Kestrel  1
Goldfinch  6 Fieldfare  1
Robin  5 Ring Ouzel  1
Great Tit  5 Coal Tit (Continental)  1
Blackbird  5 Black Redstart 1
Woodpigeon  4 Blue Tit  1
Song Thrush  3 Pied Flycatcher  1
Chaffinch  3 Siskin  1
Common Redstart  3 Grasshopper Warbler  1
Lesser Whitethroat  3 Nightingale  1
Collared Dove  2 Long-tailed Tit  1
Redwing  2 Sedge Warbler  1
Dunnock  2

Most notable species being Whinchat, Kingfisher, Ring Ouzel, Continental Coal Tit and Grasshopper Warbler, all of which we catch very few of these select species. Let's hope for a warmer May..?