Recent Ringing Recoveries

A Blackbird ringed here 28th October 2014 was killed by a cat 98km away at Chingford, London on 13th March 2016. A Med Gull ringed here 15th January 2010 was retrapped 78km away at Great Yarmouth on 20th December 2015. A Chiffchaff ringed here 18th March 2015 was retrapped 347km away in Alderney, Channel Isles on 20th March 2016. Finally a couple of Greenfinch ringed here on 28th June 2013 & 3rd August 2014 were killed flying into a conservatory window 8km away in Kirton on 23rd March 2016 - the moral of the story here is don't clean your conservatory windows !