Saturday 23rd April 2016

Once again some hardy souls are battling their way in despite the cool northerly airflow including the first Whinchat of the year. Other migrants include 6 Wheatear, 4 Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Redstart plus the Whitethroats on the northern part of the reserve that have taken up territories with the males building nests in preparation for when the girls arrive. Offshore observations limited to 5 Whimbrel plus a Little Egret heading north over the site at early dawn. Porpoises are being seen regularly in the river out the back and off the point in recent days with one, unfortunately, being washed up dead on the beach this morning.

7 birds ringed: 2 chiffchaff, 2 wheatear, 1 redstart, 1 whinchat, 1 wood pigeon