Saturday 28th May 2016

Today's migrant is a plump female Firecrest carrying a load of fat suggesting she is still on the move and intending going places. Chiffchaff is the only other migrant in the compound. At least 20 Swallows trickled south and offshore northbound 6 Dunlin, 6 Common Tern, 2 Oyks, Sandwich Tern, Fulmar and Curlew plus southbound 4 Oyks & Great-crested Grebe. At least a dozen Little Terns were feeding just offshore and settling on the beach for a while. Baby Great Tits started to come out today and the local Kestrels are working hard to feed their young between a couple of containers overlooking the Butts.

6 birds ringed: 5 Great Tit, 1 Firecrest