Sunday 22nd May 2016

The overnight rain finally cleared at 05 30, and after the cloud cover broke up it was an extremely pleasant day. Unfortunately little of note dropped in apart from a solitary Reed Warbler, 1 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap, 3 or 4 Swallow floating around, and 1 House Martin in off . Offshore a Sandwich Tern went south, a Common Tern went north, 3 Little Terns lingered offshore and 1 Fulmar and 4 Whimbrel also went south, whilst 13 Brent Geese went north. 7 Whitethroat are still lingering and hopefully will breed on site, and this Turtle Dove (pictured), has been around now for over a week.

3 birds were ringed; 1 each of Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff and Blackcap.