Tuesday 3rd May 2016

Not overrun with new migrants this morning but sightings included 43 Black-headed Gull, 27 Swallow, 11 Goldfinch, 5 Dunlin, 3 House Martin, 3 Sand Martin, 2 Gadwal, Swift & Yellow Wagtail all heading south plus 4 Swallow, Siskin & Fulmar northbound. Grounded migrants limited to 12 Wheatear, a couple of new Blackcaps, 2 Mipits, Chiffchaff & Whitethroat with lingerers on site including Nightingale, Whinchat and Mrs Ring Ouzel for her ninth day. It's the time of the year when a regular group of terns are starting to collect off the point when the tide turns with 13 Common plus 2 Little showing up today. Moth traps still very poor but the warm sunshine late morning brought several Esperia sulphurella out to play. Not only are the Grass Snakes putting in regular appearances but the odd Slow worm is also coming out.

Ringing: 3 Blackcap