Friday 17th June 2016

Greeted with thick and heavy cloud throughout most of the day, followed by heavy downpours in the afternoon and into the evening. A few new arrivals..

Totals of 21 Swift, 10 Curlew, 3 Cormorant, 3 Goldfinch, 2 Black Redstart, 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 Meadow Pipit, 1 Fieldfare, 1 Coal Tit, 1 Swallow, 1 Fulmar, 1 Common Gull and 1 Sandwich Tern were noted.

This Poplar Kitten moth turned up in our moth traps this morning and a real beauty.

Ringing: 15 birds ringed today including 4 Ringed Plover, 3 Starling, 3 Linnet, 2 Robin, 1 House Sparrow, 1 Wren and 1 Greenfinch.