Friday 3rd June 2016

A slightly calmer day today but with the winds still coming from the North, it still feels like March weather. A few birds on the move..

Sea watching proved fruitful with movements of 66 Brent Geese, 38 Common Tern, 31 Gannet, 7 Cormorant, 6 Sandwich Tern, 3 Oystercatcher, 1 Red-throated Diver, 1+ Little Tern (above) and 1 Fulmar.

Land migrants came in the form of 1 Swallow, 1 Firecrest, 1 Chiffchaff and 1 Common Redstart.

Like many other sites at the moment, Diamond-back moths are in abundance.

Ringing: 4 birds ringed this morning including 2 Great Tit and 2 Dunnock.