Recent Ringing Recoveries

Blackbird ringed here 3rd December 2013 retrapped 506km away on Helgoland, Germany 17th March 2016. Meadow Pipit ringed here 17th September 2015 retrapped 196km away at Semmerzake, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium 3rd Ocober 2015. This Sanderling on the beach last week is a tad frustrating as, despite all the colour rings, it has lost a leg flag. It is ringed by a Dutch project at one of nine localities between Greenland and Ghana but due to losing its leg flag the exact individual is not known - it is possibly an old bird that was marked in Mauritania but we can not be sure. Despite some people thinking July is summer as far as Sanderling are concerned the beach at Landguard is a place to attempt to feed and rest on the long haul between the Arctic breeding areas and wintering grounds in West Africa.