Tuesday 19th July 2016

Finally some hot sunny summer weather. Worth a mention are southbound 9 Barnacle Geese, Common Gull, Oyk & Redshank with a Fulmar flying up river over the obs plus 6 Sandwich Tern out of the river then north. A pheromone lure placed in an empty tea bag amongst Birds-foot Trefoil at several places around the point quickly pulled in several expectant male Six-belted Clearwing moths to the scent - unlucky boys it's just us confirming that this nationally scarce species is still with us !

Stinking Goosefoot has been out in one of the Rabbit scrapings on the Butts since the end of last month with a couple of them now getting to a reasonable size. Now all we need to do is get up the enthusiasm to survey other potential locations on site for this very rare "Schedule 8" plant.

No birds ringed.