July Ringing Totals

A total of 199 birds of 25 species ringed in July. It was an unusual month with the numbers of birds ringed considerably down from last year. Comparing to 314 birds ringed in 2015. Highlights being 2 Treecreeper which is a species we see very little of here and not even on an annual basis.

Linnet  25 Blackbird  5
House Sparrow  20 Starling  5
Wren  18 Ringed Plover  4
Dunnock  16 Green Woodpecker  3
Common Whitethroat 14 Sedge Warbler  3
Robin  12 Willow Warbler  3
Greenfinch  12 Treecreeper  2
Chiffchaff  10 Chaffinch  2
Great Tit  10 Woodpigeon  2
Goldfinch  9 Swallow  1
Blackcap 8 Black Redstart  1
Lesser Whitethroat  8 Reed Warbler  1
Blue Tit  5