Sunday 14th August 2016

This August has been very poor for grounded passerine migrants so far with very low counts of several species and Wheatears almost non-existent. A fairly typical low count of 25 Swallow south and 8 Willow Warbler in the bushes this morning. A  new Green Woodpecker did, however, put in an appearance. On the plus side the first Common Redstart of the autumn showed up. Offshore 30 Common Terns feeding with the only wader noted being this Curlew that did a couple of circuits of the obs compound.

This fresh Coronet caused some confusion as it is an extremely variable species that we don't see here very often not helped by the fact that the literature states it comes out to play in June/July so you would expect one at this time of the year to be worn (several photos do, however, exist on the web of August specimens !)

11 birds ringed: 5 Willow Warbler, 1 Goldfinch, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Whitethroat, 1 Blackbird, 1 House Sparrow, 1 Green Woodpecker