August Ringing Totals

A total of 211 birds of 27 species ringed in August. It has been a very poor month for ringing as this is the 3rd lowest ever total for Landguard for August. Previous years in 2011 and 2001 saw 195 and 196 birds ringed, respectively. Highlights being 2 Icterine Warbler and 1 Cuckoo.

Can we hope for much better ringing totals for the coming months? Only time will tell.

Willow Warbler  91 Garden Warbler  2
Robin  17 Icterine Warbler  2
Goldfinch  16 Sedge Warbler  2
House Sparrow  14 Swallow  1
Common Whitethroat  12 Common Redstart  1
Linnet  9 Wheatear  1
Lesser Whitethroat  7 Pied Flycatcher  1
Wren  5 Blackcap  1
Reed Warbler  5 Great Tit  1
Blackbird  5 Spotted Flycatcher  1
Blue Tit  4 Song Thrush  1
Woodpigeon  4 Sparrowhawk  1
Green Woodpecker  3 Cuckoo  1
Collared Dove  3