Wednesday 21st September 2016

This Common Marbled Carpet is a beautiful but variably marked species that is now appearing again in reasonable numbers on its second emergence of the year.

A late start to today due to the heavy rain early on, but the wind is in a very good direction for migrants as it proved once the weather brightened up. The Arctic Warbler is still here and showing well at times and there has been another small fall of 20 Chiffchaffs with smaller numbers of Blackcaps with 12, half a dozen Lesser Whitethroats, 2 Redstart, a Kingfisher and a Lapland Bunting that flew over calling just after mid-day. Offshore 451 Wigeon, 372 Brent Goose and small numbers of Teal and Common Scoter all south.

23 birds ringed:  11 Chiffchaff, 7 Blackcap, 2 Grey Wagtail and 1 each of Kingfisher, Reed Warbler and Goldcrest.