Saturday 5th November 2016

The rather chilly winds from the west and north produced very few new migrants. Today was a day when nothing much was on-site.

Totals include 19 Linnet, 15 Blackbird, 11 Goldfinch, 2 Meadow Pipit, 2 Chaffinch, 1 Fieldfare, 1 Skylark and 1 Marsh Harrier.

Sea watching produced 401+ Herring Gull, 91 Cormorant, 6 Gannet, 5 Common Gull, 4 Brent Geese, 1 Mediterranean Gull, 1 Eider, 1 Great Skua, 1 Common Scoter and 1 Turnstone.

Ringing: No birds ringed were ringed today.