Saturday 5th March 2016

Spring struggling to get going. A few migrants on the move including moving south 9 Carrion Crow, 2 Jackdaw & 2 Siskin plus northbound 2 Mipit & 1 Siskin. Offshore a handful of Red-throated Diver & Brent on the move in very low numbers. 2 Shelduck were the first ones on site this year as they start contemplating prospecting potential nesting sites. 2 Fieldfare present with a single Long-tailed Tit paying us a brief visit. A Curlew on the beach first thing could well have been the long legged wader being plucked on a lighting tower by Mr Peregrine shortly afterwards.

3 birds ringed: 1 pied wagtail, 1 long-tailed tit, 1 great tit

Friday 4th March 2016

Classic early March migrants this morning in the shape of a female Merlin, Rock Pipit on the point, large male Chaffinch trapped carrying plenty of fat presumably heading back to north-east Europe & the first new Great Tit of the spring (also carrying plenty of fat reserves). Also noted 4 Barnacle Geese heading north with 2 of them immediately heading back south and a Fieldfare on the reserve which appears to be one that has been here a few days. Linnet numbers on site are now in double figures (just) as birds return to their nesting areas.

Ringing: 1 great tit, 1 chaffinch

Thursday 3rd March 2016

Cold northerly airflow not conducive to many movements. 9 Barnacle Geese flew north, Fieldfare on site with the only other birds noted being the regulars who have been with us all winter.

Wednesday 2nd March 2016

Not exactly spring like. Construction on this brand new Magpie nest only started about 10 days ago so by the time its finished it should be quite palatial. Southbound 16 Dunlin, 4 Shelduck, Red-throated Diver, Great-crested Grebe, Gannet & Kittiwake with northbound 49 Red-throats, 18 Brent, 16 Barnacles & Gannet. Passerine wise a Mipit flew south, Fieldfare on site & its always good to catch a spring Grey Wagtail.

Ringing: 1 grey wagtail

Tuesday 1st March 2016

St. David's Day so here's some Daffs - it's bucketing down so the weather reminds one of Wales. Offshore southbound 19 Brent, 4 Gannet, 3 Kitts, Great-crested Grebe & Bonxie with northbound 4 Red-throated Diver & Bonxie (same one ?).

February 2016 Ringing Total

For the sake of completeness 7 birds ringed of 5 species:

Song Thrush 2, Chaffinch 2, Wood Pigeon 1, House Sparrow 1, Greenfinch 1.

In mild winters this is about par for the course.

Monday 29th February 2016

Frosty start. 2 Fieldfare still here, a new Songie & a Curlew left the river to head north but no other signs of spring. If you bump into any ringed seagulls please report them as it helps to add to the knowledge of these dynamic creatures. Several off the larger ones frequenting Felixstowe are also colour ringed making the ring details easier to read than those with just conventional rings. This Lithuanian ringed bird is a regular in the Manor Terrace car park whose details are got by photographing the ring at different angles.

Ringing: 1 song thrush

Sunday 28th February 2016

Haven't seen a Frog yet but spawn has appeared in the Butts pond. Offshore northbound 116 Red-throated Diver, 2 Gannet & a Kitt plus southbound 17 Red-throats. 2 Fieldfare & the first new Songie of the spring are today's migrants. Finally a first-winter Yellow-legged Gull was scrounging from the fishermen with other gulls.

Ringing: 1 song thrush