Friday 17th February 2017

Good to hear a Songie singing by the gate first thing as they have been silent up to now. Other signs of spring include regular sightings of small numbers of Linnets in recent days and the pair of Peregrine becoming more obvious. Heading south this morning 151 Barnacles, 68 Golden Plover, 48 Brent, 5 Oyk, 3 Shelduck, 2 Red-throated Diver with northbound 36 Brent & 7 Brent. Offshore singles of Guillemot, Great-crested Grebe & Red-throat were sat on the sea visible in nice calm conditions. Land birds on the move were 2 Skylark south plus a Mipit heard but not seen. The Purple Sandpiper was on the point early on & 1,570 Cormorants were counted going out to sea to fish. The Golden Plover are worth highlighting as the early morning movements that have been noted in recent winters have not happened over this last winter.