Thursday 23rd February 2017

The gale is picking up as the morning has gone on as Storm Doris begins to release her power. 10 Redwing on site plus the first new Blackbird of the spring passage ringed are classic examples of early movers. Offshore prior to the gale really getting going southbound 6 Brent, 4 Gannet, 2 Red-throated Diver, 2 Dunlin, 2 Guillemot, Fulmar, Knot & Curlew with northbound 9 Gannet, 7 Red-throats, 4 Fulmar & Guillemot.

After stating yesterday that moths are unlikely to get a mention for a while due to the change in the weather what looks like Acleris ferrugana put in an appearance although it is an extremely variable species likely to be confused with some of its congeries so causes some head scratching. Although a bit of a rarity here it is a winter flyer common enough in woodlands.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird