Thursday 2nd February 2017

A Black-necked Grebe off the point is only the ninth site record and the first one ever in winter. Unfortunately by the time we legged it down the point in an attempt to get closer views it had, rather annoyingly, done a bunk. 2,835 Cormorants went out fishing between 0716 & 0725 hrs - as its getting lighter earlier then they go out fishing earlier. A couple of milder days with a southerly breeze and some birds think its spring already with single Redwing & Fieldfare on site plus a Meadow Pipit flying south. Great Black-backed Gulls don't go in the car park so this individual is obviously not well as it sits right next to the car so you can't open the door. No other big gulls come this close and as its a bit dopey its in danger of getting run over.