Thursday 9th February 2017

When the Lesser Black-backed Gulls start loafing on the reserve then spring must be coming it's just that it doesn't feel like it. Seriously, though, Lesser Black-backs are one of the first "spring" migrants to appear. Also this morning 11 Barnacles flying south are also signs of spring approaching  as they start wandering up & down the coast before they return from whence they came (wherever that may be ?).  Also on the move offshore southbound 6 Brent and 6 Red-throated Diver plus northbound 19 Red-throats, 7 Brent, 2 Eider, Common Scoter, Velvet Scoter & Kittiwake. 6 Teal were sat off the river mouth mid-morning and the usual Purp was in it's usual place.