Wednesday 15th February 2017

75 Barnacle Geese went south & later in the morning 68 went north. Also on the move 670 Cormorant went out fishing with southbound 5 Brent, 2 Oyk, Red-throated Diver & a Shag just off the beach plus northbound 15 Brent, 10 Common Scoter, 7 Red-throats & a Great-crested Grebe. A Guillemot was on the flat calm sea. 2 Shelduck and 2 Ringed Plover on the reserve are an indication of the milder conditions and after the first Greenfinch record of the year yesterday 4 were present today. It's difficult to get excited about Greenfinch but after the cataclysmic decline in numbers its good to see some. The only white-winged gulls seen this morning were Med Gulls.