Friday 24th March 2017

166 Gannet heading north so far (early blog so if numbers go up this will get updated later) plus a couple following ships into the river. Also northbound 4 Red-throated Diver, 2 Fulmar & a Knot. Yesterday's Iceland Gull put in another appearance (and as I write is sitting just inside the dock along View Point Road) and at least 2 Bonxie have been off the estuary mouth. Cold ENE gale not conducive to many migrants on site although single Chiffchaff & Goldcrest are new in. Late news is off 2 Black Redstart around the Fort in the afternoon.

Iceland Gull is a second-winter - didn't see it well enough yesterday to work out it's age.

2 birds ringed: 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Goldcrest