Friday 3rd March 2017

Grim cold morning with rain starting half an hour after first light. It's one of those mornings where if we hadn't bothered to turn up it wouldn't have made much difference to the standard of recording (rather than reach for the Valium - jam donuts cheered us up !). Very little offshore and very little moving with the highlight being single Fulmar and Curlew. A Sparrowhawk is worth a mention as it's the first one noted down here so far this year. Some winters we get regular visitations from Sparrowhawks but not this one so today's bird is either the start of spring passage or a young bird driven out by adults as they set up their territories and is wandering looking for a place of it's own.

Dotted Border is today's moth which is a delicate flyer out and about at this time of the year that can be abundant in woodland but only occurs here in small numbers due to the habitat and the bleak often blustery conditions.