Monday 13th March 2017

Migrants this morning included 28 Redwing first thing, single Grey Wag, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and Brambling with southbound 4 Siskin, Jackdaw and Skylark plus northbound a Rock Pipit. As it warmed up a Red Kite went inland over the docks (only the 10th site record) where a Buzzard loitered & an extra male Peregrine wound up the regular pair. Offshore fairly quiet although 50 Golden Plover north are worth a mention. 4 Greylag Geese will be local wanderers and yet another group of Long-tailed Tits turned up which suggests this species had good winter survival rates and they are going walkabout looking for fresh sites for breeding.

Oak Beauty is not an annual visitor here despite being a common moth in woodlands inland. In the butterfly department the first Comma of the year appeared.

10 birds ringed: 6 Long-tailed Tit, 1 great Tit, 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 Chaffinch, 1 Blackbird.