Saturday 18th March 2017

Never managed a pic of Red-breasted Merganser for the blog before - hopefully we will manage to photo a closer one in the future but this is a typical view as they fly by. Also heading south offshore 14 Brent, 7 Common Gull, 2 Gannet, 2 Shelduck, 2 Oyk, Red-throated Diver, Grey Plover & Carrion Crow plus northbound 184 Brent & single Red-throat. Male Wheatear on the reserve & Chiffchaff in the bushes but the strong winds and drizzle early on not aiding recording. At least 1 Red-leg Partridge still with us.Someone has attacked the log on the gate onto the nature reserve in the last 48 hours or so resulting in it having to be cut off - on the remote chance that anyone saw anything suspicious please contact the Landguard Ranger.

No ringing.