Wednesday 1st March 2017

The start of the ringing and migration season here at Landguard began slowly as was to be expected, with very little migration on show. A solitary Fieldfare was on site first thing, along with 2 Meadow Pipit and 1 Skylark heading north to their breeding sites, whilst offshore 8 Brent Geese went north along with 1 Red-throated Diver, and 1 Great crested Grebe and 3 Carrion Crows went south. On site 3 Ringed Plover, 9 Goldfinch and at least 1 Peregrine and Kestrel are lurking.

7 birds were ringed: 2 Goldfinch and 1 each of Chaffinch, Robin, Blackbird, Blue Tit and Wren.