Sunday 23rd April 2017

A pleasant  day weather-wise, but little movements of birds, with the exception of 3 Ring Ouzels(one of which pictured) skulking on the common, along with 10 Wheatear and the now regular 5  Whitethroats on the butts end + 2 Lesser Whitethroats also. Offshore, 12 Whimbrel , 5 Sanderling , 5 Common Tern and 1 Sandwich Tern all going north, whilst 2 Sparrow Hawk went high south and a Little Gull was present offshore.

More moths are beginning to appear, like this Muslin moth(above) which appears to be having a good year on site.

6 birds ringed: 3 Blackcap and 1 each of Chiffchaff, Linnet and Blackbird.