May 2017 ringing totals

171 birds of 29 species ringed during May this year:

Chiffchaff 27
Whitethroat 18
Willow Warbler 18
Linnet 15
Blackbird 10
Blackcap 10
Great Tit 9
Lesser Whitethroat 8
Spotted Flycatcher 8
Robin 7
Woodpigeon 5
Garden Warbler 4
Magpie 4
Chaffinch 3
Dunnock 3
Goldfinch 3
Reed Warbler 2
Ringed Plover 2
Sedge Warbler 2
Song Thrush 2
Starling 2
Wren 2
Collared Dove 1
Greenfinch 1
Grey Wagtail 1
House Sparrow 1
Redstart 1
Swallow 1
Wheatear 1

Reviewing the previous 10 years this year makes it into the second lowest placing for May, the lowest was 2013 which followed a top ranking April that year.