Monday 8th May 2017

The Great Reed Warbler is singing on & off on the Butts but seems to be ranging along the entire length of them this morning. Wryneck still here but is not being seen very often. The Ring Ouzel is far more obliging often in full view. Of note was a female Grey Wagtail trapped with a brood patch suggesting she is a failed breeder from somewhere. Other migrants present in low numbers although worth a mention are 4 Mipits, 4 Wheatear & a Yellow Wag. Offshore northbound 29 Common Tern, 4 Whimbrel, 2 Fulmar, 2 Greylag Geese, 2 Common Gull & Turnstone with southbound 6 Oyk, 2 Gannet & Barwit. Late morning a Little egret went north. One of the clutches of Ringed Plovers hatched this morning although how long tiny chicks will survive in these cold conditions is yet to be seen.

Moth traps still dire due to the cold northerly wind although a Nutmeg was noted.

3 birds ringed: Lesser Whitethroat, Grey Wagtail, Willow Warbler.