Saturday 6th May 2017

This strong northerly airflow is not doing us or migrant birds any favours at all but is not preventing the odd migrant battling on regardless. Offshore a lot of hours put in to produce northbound 73 Common Tern, 7 Barwit, 7 Common Gull, 5 Black Tern, 4 Whimbrel, 2 Arctic Tern, Shelduck & Marsh Harrier (that gave up going north and headed inland), southbound 7 Turnstone, 5 Gannet, 2 Sanderling & Whimbrel. A bit of vis mig in the shape of northbound 5 Swallow, southbound 1 Swift & 1 Sand Martin plus a House Martin heading inland. Birding on the reserve and in the bushes difficult in these conditions with 6 Wheatear, Skylark, Whinchat & Garden Warbler the highlights.

The first Figure of 80 of the year in the moth traps out of a total of just 16 moths of three species noted which is hardly surprising in these winds.

4 birds ringed: Garden Warbler, Blackcap, Willow Warbler & Linnet.