Thursday 25th May 2017

The 3 pairs of resident Song Thrush have all unfortunately failed during their first nesting attempt this spring, they have now started their second clutch.
A Serin was seen briefly just before 9 o'clock this morning, it came in high and settled out of sight in the brambles it was not relocated from there, a Reed Warbler was the only other migrant seen on the reserve during the morning. Passage over the reserve was a Yellow Wagtail going North, 1 Swallow also going North and 1 going South. Offshore 18 Barnacle Geese went North.

Todays pretty moth is a Burnished Brass.

5 birds ringed: 1 Blackbird, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Linnet, 1 Reed Warbler, 1 Robin