Friday 30th June 2017

Young Bullfinch occur very rarely here although the nearest nesting pairs are on the other side of the dock, only a few pairs though.
A male Blackcap was a new bird seen on the reserve this morning and offshore 2 Med Gull and 2 Sandwich Tern were amongst the Herring Gulls. Some passage was noted with 17 Curlew and 6 Swift going South, going North were 13 Cormorant.

The Coronet is not common here and is extremely variable although one turned up like this last year that took some head scratching to work out! Late news is off a Bedstraw Hawk-moth that quickly flew off and would have been noted as just yet another Spurge if it hadn't been quickly photographed.

27 birds ringed: Starling 8, Goldfinch 6, linnet 4, House Sparrow 3, Pied Wagtail 2, Blackbird 1, Blackcap 1, Bullfinch 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1