Sunday 4th June 2017

Today's grounded migrant is a Reed Warbler. 4 Swallow, 2 House Martin & a Goldfinch went south plus a Common Scoter south offshore. A Turnstone was on the point & a Sanderling on the beach. A dispersing juvenile Song Thrush on site will be one dispersing as ours failed on their first nesting attempts. Our Blue Tits finally brought a youngster out this morning as we were starting to get concerned about them. Great Tits, on the other hand, have had at least three broods out for some time. The young Carrion Crows have been out for a couple of days. In most years they drop off their chosen lighting tower along View Point Road straight onto the road below with at least one of the young being flattened by a vehicle - so far this year all four young have avoided that fate.

Four-spotted Chaser is always worth a mention in the dragonfly department with our first Privet Hawk-moth of the year putting in an appearance.

6 birds ringed: 3 Linnet, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Reed Warbler.