Wednesday 14th June 2017

Following recent rain, botanically the site is looking good with Opium Poppies hanging on to their petals despite the strong winds last week.
A warm morning with clear skies to start today, there was an adult Med gull loitering off the point, 6 Sandwich Tern came out of the estuary, 5 Teal came in off the sea into the estuary. The numbers of fledglings on the reserve continue to increase with Carrion Crow, Magpie, Dunnock, Linnet and Song Thrush seen over recent days.

Moth traps reasonably busy as the wind has abated, Celypha lacunana is a frequent visitor over a long flight period from May until the autumn.

11 birds ringed: Linnet 7, Blue Tit 2, Dunnock 1, House Sparrow 1