Friday 21st July 2017

The wind has gathered pace through the morning to quite a strong Southwesterly. Very little passage has been noted today, however this post juvenile moult Willow Warbler is the first dispersing Juvenile Willow Warbler we have seen at Landguard this year.
The Linnet flock on the reserve has increased to 110 individuals and house Sparrow flock to 70 individuals as the summer has progressed. The Starling roost has decreased over the last couple of days with only 50 individuals coming into the Holm Oaks last night, however c.600 have come onto the reserve through the morning.
Passage noted offshore going South, 12 Whimbrel.

Ethmia bipunctella is a rare species living on Viper's Bugloss on vegetated shingle that we record most years, although it failed to appear in 2016.

11 birds ringed: House Sparrow 7, Dunnock 1, Robin 1, Whitethroat 1, Willow Warbler 1