Friday 7th July 2017

Moth madness with over 2,000 moths of 140 species. What takes up ones time is not just remembering scientific names of species not seen for the previous 50 weeks since last July but sorting out some of the common ones that are similar to others. Spindle Ermine is one such beastie that is very similar to its congerers and, like all the ermines, causes me grief - or is it not a Spindle after all ? Migrant moths almost non-existent and migrant birds almost the same with just a handful of Black-headed Gull, Curlew & hirundines on the move.

We see a lot of Willow Beauty throughout the moth seasons but Mottled Beauty only puts in odd appearances and its one of those species I have difficulty getting my head around every year despite knowing the exact features to look for.

No birds ringed.