Sunday 23rd July 2017

Autumn is on its way as Waders and Hirundines are heading south in more and more numbers, with 7 Curlew, 3 Whimbrel, 4 Oyster Catcher and a Sanderling + 26 Swallow and 24 Sand Martin, along with 57 Black-headed Gull, 19 Common Tern and a couple of Sandwich Tern also on the move. There was also a trickle of migrants on site, with another wandering Great-spotted Woodpecker along with a juv Coal Tit and a Reed Warbler.
Interest in the moth traps is still high as decent species are still appearing, like this Dark Crimson Underwing, a Red Data Book species that has its stronghold as a breeding species mainly based in Hampshire, with the odd migrant turning up very infrequently in south-east England. Also a Striped Wainscot which has only occurred here once before.

3 birds ringed: 1 each of Great-spotted Woodpecker, Reed Warbler and Coal Tit.