Wednesday 26th July 2017

The winds today are much more conducive to migration than of late, its a shame its not peak migrant time at the moment. A lot of activity however was occurring just offshore, with good numbers of Terns feeding in the river mouth, including both an adult and juvenile Arctic Tern, along with 48 Common and 8 Sandwich . Waders also put in an appearance with 6 Whimbrel, 6 Oyster Catcher, 4 Turnstone and 2 Sanderling all going south + 11 Teal, whilst 65 Common Scoter went north.
The local Starlings are beginning to take advantage of the ripening Elderberries as can be seen by the picture above.
The moth traps were not quite so busy with larger moths, but the smaller micro moths are still plentiful in number, including this Horse-chestnut Leaf Minor Cameraria ohridella,  which although only being discovered in Britain for the first time 15 years ago, has become a widespread pest on "Conker" trees right across the country.

3 birds ringed: 1 each of House Sparrow, Great Tit and Lesser Whitethroat.