Monday 14th August 2017

A Corn Bunting that departed to the north is notable and is presumably a dispersing juvenile from the population in north-east Essex. Also on the move single Grey Heron & Little Egret heading north plus a handful of hirundines & waders southbound. Grounded migrants included 6 Willow Warbler, 5 Wheatear & Yellow Wagtail. Difficult to know whether the 11 Whitethroats & 2 Lesser's present are part of the locally bred offspring or migrants passing through. A total of 5 pairs of Whitethroats & 3 pairs of Lesser's nested this year with several of them churning out second broods. Over 70 Common & 30 Sandwich Terns were feeding off the point early on. Is the increasing numbers of Sandwich feeding on site this autumn connected to the breeding events up the coast at Minsmere this year ?

Everyone likes a Pale Prominent and if you don't then go and get some therapy !

8 birds ringed: 2 Robin, 2 Linnet, 2 Greenfinch, 1 Whitethroat, 1 Blackbird.