Monday 21st August 2017

A gentle breeze from the South West this morning, with it a few grounded migrants. Noted on the reserve the first Tree Pipit of this year at Landguard, seen briefly in front of the observatory. Also around the observatory 2 Spotted Flycatcher & 4 Willow Warbler. Towards the point were 2 Whinchat (pictured) & 8 Wheatear. There was also plenty of "tacking" from the bushes with 8 Lesser Whitethroat & 14 Whitethroat seen on the reserve.
Passage offshore going South 20 Common Tern, 11 Oystercatcher, 1 Kestrel & 1 Osprey.

When the Agripuila geniculea start to appear you know it's autumn proper - this species will become very common over the next couple of weeks.

13 birds ringed: Linnet 3,Willow Warbler 3, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Dunnock 1, Goldfinch 1, Robin 1, Wheatear 1, Woodpigeon 1