Thursday 17th August 2017

Rain then drizzle to late morning. This seemed to force the passing waders down to sea level with south bound 111 Barwits, 100 Knot, 94 Dunlin, 59 Sanderling, 48 Ringed Plover, 23 Grey Plover, 19 Oystercatcher, 17 Swift, 12 Teal, 9 Turnstone, 6 Golden Plover, 6 Sandwich Tern, 5 Black-headed Gull, 4 Common Scoter, 3 Whimbrel, 2 Fulmar, 2 Greenshank, Curlew & Swallow plus 12 Common Tern & a Kittiwake north making it an enjoyable spell of sea watching. Apart from this not a lot else noted of note.

Vestal (top) is a half decent migrant moth for us. Also pictured the Agonopterix litorosa from a couple of days back having got another opinion on it's identification. We do seem to be doing well for additions to the site list this year.

Ringing: 1 Lesser Whitethroat.