Friday 29th September2017

Juniper Pug is a second site record at Landguard and the first occurred 20 years ago.

Heavy Showers at dawn and again at midday did not completely subdue vismig, 140 Swallow went through going South as did 106 Goldfinch, 20 Meadow Pipit, 7 Chaffinch, 5 House Martin, 1 Grey Wagtail & 1 Skylark. Passage during seawatch going South 21 Wigeon, 15 Brent Geese, 3 Sandwich Tern, 1 Arctic Skua & 1 Common Gull. Going North 5 Gannet plus 3 going South.
On the reserve a Red-throated Pipit has remained for a third day, also noted 17 Pied Wagtail, 6 Blackcap, 4 Chiffchaff, 3 Wheatear, 2 Redstart, 1 Brambling, 1 Reed Bunting & 1 Song Thrush.

20 birds ringed: Chiffchaff 4, Blackcap 3, Robin 3, Goldcrest 2, Great Tit 2, Blue Tit 1, Chaffinch 1, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1, Meadow Pipit 1, Swallow 1, Wren 1.