Landguard obs Twitter feed

Unbeknown to us the Twitter feed that notifies those of you out there in Twitter land that this blog has been updated stopped working on 19th August but we were unaware of this. The company providing this free service stopped providing it but did not notify us of this fact. If anyone has any issues with getting the website, blog or Twitter feed then please notify us at as unless someone lets us know we are often ignorant that the service we provide has stopped working. Please do not try and contact us via Twitter as the Twitter feed is just a means of letting blog readers know that the blog has been published and we do not use it as a means of receiving incoming correspondence. Please also note that on occasions the blog is updated later in the day if something significant has turned up after the daily blog has been published - as this is an edited version of the blog for the day and not a new blog then the Twitter feed will not send out a Tweet that the blog has been edited. Hope all this makes sense !