Wednesday 13th September 2017

The arrival of storm Aileen, bringing with it winds gusting to storm force 10 for a time, meant birds were keeping a low profile. However, there were a few highlights, not least the juv Long-tailed Skua that drifted into view close inshore and promptly landed on the sea in front of the 3 lucky observers. Other highlights were the 5 Wheatear on site, along with 30+ Meadow Pipit and 5 Yellow Wagtail amongst the 20+ Pied Wagtail and this White Wagtail(above). Apart from that it was mostly a  southerly movement of Hirundines, comprising of 145 House Martin, 4 Sand Martin and 34 Swallow.
Insect wise, the first Feathered Brindle moth of the Autumn.

3 birds ringed: 2 Blackcap and 1 Chiffchaff.