October ringing total

901 birds of 30 species ringed during October. For the 10 year history this is an average year for the number of birds ringed.

Blackbird 218
Lesser Redpoll 187
Chiffchaff 70
Goldcrest 48
Robin 48
Redwing 43
Blackcap 40
Long-tailed Tit 38
Great Tit 30
Meadow Pipit 27
Song Thrush 24
Chaffinch 21
Wren 20
Blue Tit 16
Goldfinch 15
Brambling 10
Dunnock 8
Grey Wagtail 8
Firecrest 6
Starling 5
Woodpigeon 5
Greenfinch 3
Fieldfare 2
Wheatear 2
Willow Warbler 2
Great Grey Shrike 1
House Sparrow 1
Pied Flycatcher 1
Ring Ouzel 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 1