Recent Recoveries

Robin ringed Titchfield Haven, Hampshire 13th August 2017 retrapped 217km away at Landguard 3rd September 2017 - bit of a strange movement but presumably just juvenile dispersal in a random direction. Whitethroat ringed Minsmere 31st August 2017 retrapped 41km away at Landguard 5th September 2017. Chiffchaff ringed Witnesham 6th July 2017 retrapped 21km away at Landguard 10th September 2017. Finally Magpie ringed Landguard 18th May 2011 road casualty in Felixstowe 1st October 2017 - although the longevity record for a Magpie is over 21 years the typical lifespan is 5 years so this one was slightly above the average.