Wednesday 11th October 2017

Back to windy conditions after a couple of calmer days. Vis mig much lower with southbound 202 Goldfinch, 58 Linnet, 21 Starling, 16 Swallow, 8 Pied Wags, 4 Mipit, 3 House Martin, Skylark, Rock Pipit, Siskin & Grey Wagtail. Grounded migrants bit scarce with just a very small handful of new Blackbirds, Redwing,  Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs & Goldcrests on site. 2 Wheatear & a Stonechat on a windy nature reserve. Offshore movements almost non-existent despite good overcast conditions for staring out into the abyss. Worth a mention is a Little Owl the last couple of days which is presumably a dispersing youngster - our resident pair disappeared this summer with a desiccated corpse of one of them that was at least seven years old being found dead in the Fort accounting for one half of our resident pair. Hopefully they can recolonise.

7 birds ringed: 2 Blackbird, 2 Blackcap, 1 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Chiffchaff.