November Ringing Totals

491 birds of 27 species ringed is above average for this century and almost double the November totals achieved in the last four years helped by a return to form for Blackies this autumn. The two Barred Warblers were exceptional for this late in the season.

Blackbird 299 Dunnock 2
Redwing 45 Brambling 2
Robin 21 Barred Warbler 2
Chaffinch 20 Greenfinch 2
Song Thrush 19 Grey Wagtail 2
Lesser Redpoll 17 Linnet 2
Meadow Pipit 9 Blackcap 1
Goldcrest 8 House Sparrow 1
Goldfinch 8 Common Redpoll 1
Starling 7 Pied Wagtail 1
Wood Pigeon 6 Purple Sandpiper 1
Wren 5 Reed Bunting 1
Fieldfare 4 Sparrowhawk 1
Chiffchaff 4