Tuesday 12th December 2017

2,837 went out fishing this morning. Some minor cold weather movements in the form of southbound 4 Lapwing, 2 Golden Plover, Skylark plus at least 4 Song Thrush, Redwing & a Snipe on site. Offshore movements almost non-existent but included southbound 11 Brent, 9 Teal & 6 Shelduck. Good to get a walk around the site following a couple of days of horrendous weather produced Snow Bunting, Skylark & the female Stonechat. Only in one previous winter has a Stonechat ever wintered here since records began so this one looks like it's attempting to achieve this. Just after this blog was written a Great White Egret went south at 1225hrs.

Skylark amongst snow patches will be escaping the snow inland.